
Jeff Wilson Writer

Hi there, I am Jeff Wilson, a writer.

Here’s What’s on my Website

My goal is to create the simplest website in the world. Even if I fail, it will be pretty simple. I broke everything down to pages. Some of my content consists of links to articles I have published elsewhere, and some of the content is exclusive to this content, as I can’t really think of place to publish this particular material. I have links for magazine, newspaper, and website articles I have published and I have a page for fiction I have published. Exclusive to this website is Amazing Encores, which describes some of the encores I’ve seen over the years. Also exclusive to the website is Ponderings, which contains nonfiction writings that I don’t really know where to send but I want to share with people anyway. I live in Clifton, a neighborhood in Cincinnati, and my Life in Clifton page is an opportunity for me to amplify some of the social media I do for the neighborhood. I also have a page with links to music I have recorded. And I have a page saved for a Serial Novel as I may have one of those in my future, and I’d love to write a book where I add a chapter every day and have some readers go along with me on that journey.

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